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Man-Made Laws Are Mutable, Natural Laws Are Fixed August 29, 2012

Posted by raynatamarin in Art and Law of Manifestation, Law of Attraction.
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Rayna on cops and other law enforcement originally scribed on 8/22/12

“Generally speaking cops are…. human cop outs. Meaning, people who go through training or boot camps (just like the rest of the people who most of the country is misguided to believe are protecting them) in order to have their spirit broken and molded into a specific form for a specific purpose by a few specific people/groups.”

There are Laws and there are laws. The former is something you cannot avoid in this time/space reality that we are focused in here and now. The latter is a man-made product designed by a few elites who would like to see things work in their favor.

What are some examples of man-made laws? Just to name a few so you get the idea, think of traffic laws, trading laws, government laws, all things that fall under judgement of “right and wrong” concepts based on a need in a current society or civilization, etc.

What are some examples of Natural Laws that apply to the All? The Law of Oneness, Eternity, Potential, Intelligence and Life. (Potential and the simultaneous-collective of All that Is) The Umbrella of All-Law (sounds like Allah, yes?) and simultaneously No-Law (the name Nolan is said to mean well-known or famous, and isn’t the All, well with Wellness? Yes. And doesn’t the All Know All and All Knows only Itself? Yes. So It is famous to All there is, as All Knows All. Meanwhile the feminine Nola refers to fair or white shoulder, so think the white light of the Leading Edge.)

What are some examples of Natural Laws that apply to 3D and many other dimensions? Gravity, Biochemistry, Quantum Physics and Mechanics, Forced Energy (Life-Force), Death, Polarity, Cause and Effect, Law of Attraction, etc.

Which laws are the right laws to follow? While living in present state of society, wherever you reside on Earth, you are meant to obey man-made laws. These laws are easily broken and easily manipulated to suit the one breaking or enforcing said laws. These laws are followed by personal choice. The consequences will be based on mad-made laws, but will still ultimately be governed by Natural Law.

Therefore although man-made laws suit some situations and tend to muck up others, this is not necessarily always the right set of laws to follow. It must be a choice.

So the right laws to follow are those that one cannot espace from in this time/space reality. We cannot escape them because they are functioning in such a way that if they did not consistently play out as designed, then the entirety of perceived reality would be torn apart, altered, or be un-rendered and non-existent.

What makes someone “above the law”? This is having only to do with man-made law. Anyone who can obtain a position of perceived power within society can decree themselves or be declared above the law by their peers. So can you become one who is deemed above the law? Certainly if you are interested to become such an individual.

Can you ever become above Natural Law? No. The reason is because you are created by the Natural Laws and you can only exist as you see yourself, as you are now, by the essence of these Natural Laws. The Natural Laws co-create your version of reality as you exist and experience it, simultaneously. So you could not become one who is above these Natural Laws. Furthermore, the reason you cannot become someone who is above Natural Laws, is due to the manner in which these Natural Laws work. They are nothing like man-made laws. They are so far from man-made laws that man-made laws should not be called laws at all by comparison.

Man-made laws are suggestions which have no basis or meaning, and have nothing to do with anything Real. They are changing, have loop-holes and are at the mercy of those men in power, they are mutable because the mutate as needed. Meanwhile Natural Laws are fixed, meaning they do not give, bend or break because if they did, the Universe would end immediately as we know it.

So you are probably wondering if Natural Laws always apply to all of existence or rather just to the 3D perspective. There are   Natural Laws that apply to All, and there are Natural Laws that apply to only parts of the All. So if you wanted to live above a Natural Law, you might decide to become an inter-dimensional traveler and try to escape you known Natural Laws. But if you arrive at a place or non-place, where the Natural Law is not the same, then the Natural Law you meant to rise above would not exist there and so you would not be able to rise above it, as it wouldn’t apply to where you arrived. Therefore you cannot live above Natural Law. There is no reason at this time to try to do so because the Natural Laws co-create your reality and therefore they work for and with you always, and they never work against you.

Love and Light,
